Mar 03, 2016

Did you know…?
The liver is the entryway to the body and in this chemical age its detoxification systems are easily overworked. Over time this could cause damage to our liver. Through studies, scientists and researchers have found thousands of chemicals are added to food and over 700 have been recognized in our drinking water. Plants are sprayed with toxic chemicals, animals are injected with potent hormones and antibiotics and a significant amount of our food is genetically engineered, processed, refined, frozen and cooked. All this can lead to destruction of delicate vitamins and minerals, which are needed for the detoxification passageways in the liver. The liver must try to manage with every toxic chemical in our environment, as well as damaged fats that are existing in the processed and fried foods that we eat.
What is Reg’Activ – Detox and Liver Health by Essential Formulas?
Reg´Activ DETOX & LIVER HEALTH™ contains the revolutionary probiotic strain Lactobacillus fermentum ME-3. Studied for over 20 years, ME-3 has been found to support healthy glutathione levels—a key to healthy liver function.
How it Works
Glutathione is the body’s “Master Antioxidant.” It is used by every cell in the human body, and it’s absolutely vital for hepatic function. Compared to all other organs, glutathione is found at its highest concentrations in the liver. That’s because liver cells rely on antioxidant glutathione during normal detoxification activities.
Reg´Activ DETOX & LIVER HEALTH™ pairs this powerhouse probiotic strain with additional, more familiar liver health nutrients. Many herbal and nutritive approaches to supporting liver health work well on the glutathione system. Consequently, they all complement ME-3’s activities:
- L-selenothionine (easy-to-digest selenium) – Promotes healthy levels of the enzyme glutathione peroxidase, which supports liver tissue health
- L-methionine & N-Acetyl-cysteine – Act as glutathione precursors
- Milk thistle extract (Silymarin) – Supports production of super antioxidant enzymes in the liver
Using Reg’Activ – Detox and Liver Health by Essential Formulas is easy. You take 2 capsules daily, 30 minutes before a meal or as directed by a health care professional. ·
What the review thinks
I began taking this product a month ago. Reg’Activ – Detox and Liver Health by Essential Formulas was very gentle on my stomach and it was very effective. After using it for a month I noticed an increase in energy. I was not as tired and my digestive system seemed to work a lot better. It cleansed me. I was not experiencing constipation during the time I used it. I use this product with Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotics and using the both I have definitely feel a lot better. I even experienced weight loss during this month of using this product.
Dr. Ohhira’s® Probiotic Supplements$13.95 – $89.95
Reg´Activ® Essential ME-3$39.95
Dr. Ohhira’s® Probiotics Professional Formula$39.95 – $129.65
As an author of the book, “The Complete Herbal Guide: A Natural Approach to Healing the Body – Heal Your Body Naturally and Maintain Optimal Health Using Alternative Medicine, Herbals, Vitamins, Fruits and Vegetables I found Reg’Activ – Detox and Liver Health by Essential Formulas to be very beneficial.”
It came quickly, packaged well and after using it for a while I felt a huge improvement in my body. I felt energized, it was easy to use and I felt stronger. I will continue to use Reg’Activ – Detox and Liver Health by Essential Formulas. I give Reg’Activ – Detox and Liver Health by Essential Formulas FIVE STARS. To learn more Reg’Activ – Detox and Liver Health by Essential Formulas go to
~Reviewed by Stacey Chillemi
The Complete Herbal Guide Team
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