Posted on January 25, 2017
by Terri Beavers on Shabby Chic BOHO
If you’ve realized that you need Probiotics as I did, and you prefer all natural products, you’ll want to try Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotics. I didn’t realize how important taking Probiotics was until I caught a staph infection last year. I have to say that even as a medical professional, I wasn’t really as aware of staph as I would have been if I were a nurse at the hospital. They see a lot more staph infections in a hospital environment than we saw with our regular and walk-in patients. I fact, I can’t recall one incident when we saw a patient with a staph infection.
My staph infection wasn’t getting any better after treatment, 2 treatments at that and I was a little more than concerned that I’d end up with sepsis if we couldn’t get my staph infection under control. A staph infection is bad enough but sepsis is a potentially life-threatening medical condition that’s associated with an infection. Anyone can get a staph infection. I got it from being a girl. Yes, you read that right. I’m a bit of a girlie girl. I popped into my local nail salon for a wax and when the young lady pulled the tape with wax off, it tore my skin. I was keeping it clean but somehow it got infected anyhow. And then I was allergic to Neosporin. I’ve never had an allergic reaction to it before, but I did (maybe they’ve changed some of their ingredients?). By the time I had survived the ordeal, I was really regretting my sought after wax job.
I don’t know if taking probiotics could have prevented the infection but my doctor did recommend that I take them and that was reason enough for me. When selecting Probiotics, you might become a little overwhelmed at all of the choices there are to select from. It was overwhelming to me in the beginning but now I feel like I’m more aware of what they are, what type or types I need and I’m going to help you with your own choice. After research (after reearch, after reasearch, after research, okay, you get it), I decided that Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotics were the best choice for me. I also use a Probiotic Kampuku Beauty Bar so I don’t wash away the beneficial microorganisms that live on the surface of my skin. These microorganisms help keep infection away. Because these Probiotics are 100% vegetarian, it makes them a great choice for anyone. I’ve since decided to go ahead and start Dr. Ohhira’s Propolis Plus and Essential Living Oils as well, although you may find that you don’t need these as I do.
So, what are Probiotics?
They are what some health care professionals call “good or friendly” bacteria that helps keep our gut healthy. We really abuse the bacteria that we should have if it weren’t for medicines such as NSAIDS which I take daily, and excessive use of antibiotics and other medications. Even dieting affects our good bacteria from doing its job. Stress and age both affect our body’s bacteria as does antacids, steroids, hormone replacement therapy, and so much more. In short, Probiotics are good bacteria that replaces the bacteria we damage due to lifestyles and more. Probiotics live in our intestinal track and are really important to our immune function. Taking this brand of Probiotics is helping to provide me with Probiotic support and the biogenic factors that ensure probiotic success.
Are you ready to make the decision to start taking Probiotics or do you want to learn more about the Essential Formulas brand? You can click on my links to check out each product and please note that if you make a purchase using my links, I’ll receive a small commission.
If you want to learn more about which medications are robbing your body of essential nutrients and the natural ways to restore them, grab your copy of Drug Muggers. I find my copy very resourceful.
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