Apr 29, 2013
Sasha Stone

Farting isn’t cute. That’s right, I said it (my mother is probably horrified!). But seriously, it’s a natural human function that we would all probably like to keep to a minimum, yet some of us are more challenged than others.
With a predominantly vegan diet, I eat A LOT of vegetables, fruit, and beans. All fabulously healthy and exploding with nutrients, yet the masses of fiber can act like little gas belly bombs. When I first did a 21-day vegan cleanse a few years ago, I literally had the thought, I will never be able to live with another human ever again. Perhaps you are also undergoing some Spring cleansing or other healthful dietary shifts and experiencing the same problem? Fear not! Probiotics to the rescue.
You may have already read my article on the wonders of apple cider vinegar. I start my day with that miraculous remedy, and end it with a probiotic pill right before bed. Bookending my days with these two belly balancers leaves my gut feeling calm and collected, functioning smoothly, and for the most part, quiet.
I’ve tried a few different brands, but by far my favorite is Dr. Ohhira’s. I find it to be the most effective that I’ve tried, and it’s shelf stable, meaning you don’t have to refrigerate, therefore it’s also super portable. I recently had to go on antibiotics, which I try to avoid, as they tend to affect me quite profoundly. I’ve continued with my normal regimen of Dr. Ohira’s each night, and have not had any irregularity whatsoever. I am not a doctor and I don’t work for this company, it’s just what’s worked the best for me so I wanted to share it with you. As I said in my apple cider vinegar article, a happy belly leads to a happy you!
Take action now:
1) Share below any experiences you’ve had with probiotics (positive or negative). Are there are any brands you love and highly recommend?
2) If you love topics of nutrition and digestion as much as I do, come to the Creative Goddess Spring Awakening mini retreat this Saturday, April 20! Molly Hagan will guide us through an ayurvedic approach to optimal digestion, with a focus on Springtime balancing. Register pronto to ensure you have a spot (email).
Happy Digesting!
With love,
Article Source: http://bit.ly/2hU3SCP