Taking Too Many Probiotics – Is It Possible to Overdo It?

By Ross Pelton

Scientific Director, Essential Formulas

Ross Pelton is a pharmacist, nutritionist, author and a health educator who is widely recognized as the world’s leading authority on drug-induced nutrient depletions. He was named one of the top 50 most influential pharmacists in the United States by American Druggist magazine for his work in Natural Medicine.

Probiotics have been shown to have positive effects for your overall health, but it’s important to consider how much you actually need to take to see benefits. In some cases, people may accidentally take two separate probiotics or overdo it on their dosage, resulting in some temporary discomfort. In addition, some probiotic supplements aren’t as effective as others, making the odds of side effects more likely.

Can You Take Too Many Probiotics?

Put simply, probiotics are generally safe for consumption, and though you can’t technically “overdose” on them, it may be possible to overdo it, at least over the short term.

Potential Risk Factors

The most common situation in which it might be possible to take harmful levels of probiotics is if you are immunosuppressed or immunocompromised in any way. Other people at risk include those with significant bowel dysfunction or with structural heart disease. Probiotics are also usually not recommended for premature infants.

Outside of these specific issues, probiotics typically have no long-lasting side effects.

Temporary Discomfort

In most cases, overdoing it with probiotics only results in temporary discomfort, such as gas and bloating. These often result from the fact that your gut’s microbiome is in the process of rebalancing. A sudden influx of beneficial bacteria can upset the current balance in your gut, leading to extra gas buildup and related issues.

In those cases, you may want to ease your way into using probiotics in order to get your body acclimated, gradually increasing your intake as you go.

Not All Probiotics Are Created Equal

It’s also worth noting that many probiotic overdose symptoms could actually result from using poor quality supplements. Not all probiotics are created equal. Supplements that introduce too much of the wrong strain of bacteria or that include questionable ingredients could result in mild discomfort, diarrhea, etc.

3 Probiotic Overdose Symptoms

If you take too many different supplements, your body might react to them in a few minor ways. If you experience the following symptoms, you might want to reduce your intake or switch to a higher quality supplement.

1. Gas and Bloating

Many of the bacteria in your gut produce gas. That’s normal, but a sudden increase in bacteria could increase gas production, especially as your gut’s microbiome rebalances to remove harmful bacteria strains. It’s normal to experience a little extra gas or bloating, and it should disappear after a couple weeks as your body adjusts.

2. Diarrhea

Overdosing on probiotics could irritate your bowels, resulting in loose stools and therefore diarrhea. In most cases, it only lasts a day or two. In fact, some strains of probiotics can actually help with diarrhea, reducing its duration.

3. Nausea and Headaches

Some probiotic strains produce histamine or other biogenic amines that could adversely affect your body. Lactobacillus in particular can lead to increased histamine levels, leading to nausea or shortness of breath. Other biogenic amines could cause headaches.

Usually, higher-quality supplements with the right balance of probiotic strains are unlikely to produce enough of these substances to cause any lasting discomfort.

What to Look For in a Good Probiotic

The best probiotics usually cause less discomfort to your digestive tract, reducing side effects and minimizing potential risks. Some of the qualities of effective probiotics include:

All Natural Ingredients and Processes

Added ingredients and chemicals could spoil the efficacy of a probiotic supplement. Only supplements made with all-natural ingredients and processes should be trusted when it comes to your gut health.

Optimal Microbial Balance

Getting the right balance of probiotic strains is a delicate art and is preferable to taking massive dosages of a single strain.

Inclusion of Prebiotics and Postbiotics

Prebiotics help feed beneficial bacteria, whereas postbiotics consist of the substances that those bacteria produce. The inclusion of both in your probiotic supplement helps rebalance your gut more comprehensively while supporting overall health.

Dr. Ohhira’s probiotic supplements are produced using an extended three-year fermentation process with only the highest quality ingredients, making them the best—and certainly the safest—probiotic supplement on the market. To learn more about the ingredients and processes used, get in touch with Essential Formulas.

Probiotic Overdose FAQs

How many probiotics can you take in a day?
Should you take a probiotic every day?

It’s usually safe to take a probiotic supplement every day. More than that may be overdoing it unless the strains different supplements provide don’t overlap too much.

Can you have too much good bacteria in your gut?

Too much bacteria under the wrong circumstances—such as if you’re immunocompromised—can have some harmful side effects, but usually, the most you’ll experience is temporary gas and bloating.

Can too much probiotics be bad?

If you have a working immune system, then in most cases, no. Symptoms that result from too many probiotics are usually temporary.


By Ross Pelton, RPh, PhD, CCN
Scientific Director, Essential Formulas

Ross Pelton is a pharmacist, nutritionist, author and a health educator who is widely recognized as the world’s leading authority on drug-induced nutrient depletions. He was named one of the top 50 most influential pharmacists in the United States by American Druggist magazine for his work in Natural Medicine.

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