5 Tips for Staying Cool this Summer!

Summer has arrived, and temperatures will continue to rise! Heat and high humidity can harm your health, including heatstroke, sunburn, and dehydration.

Summer is also a great time to relax and enjoy time with family and friends and become the best version of yourself. The following tips can help you stay safe and healthy this summer.

Stay Hydrated: Probably the most talked-about summer tips include staying hydrated. Drink lots of water, at least sixteen ounces upon rising in the morning, and similar amounts during activities and exercising. Carry water with you in a BPA-free water bottle and a traveling water filter whenever you go out if you don’t have access to clean water.

Some drinks lead to dehydration, including coffee, tea, alcohol, and sugary drinks and juices. Therefore, to get and stay hydrated, have sips of any of the following beverages before you feel thirsty and dehydrated: plain water, coconut water, water with lemon and cucumber slices, and organic and decaf iced tea.

Healthy Diet: Next on the list of summer tips for health list is following a balanced diet of smaller, lighter meals. Maintaining a proper diet and eating seasonal fruits and vegetables is a must. Consuming cooling and light fiber-rich foods (fresh fruits, vegetable juices, raw, vital salads, and lots of water) will nourish your body for outdoor activities. Include some protein with one or two meals in your diet and avoid greasy and junk food.

Alcohol Intake: When hot weather is accompanied by too much alcohol, your body temperature rises faster than if you weren’t drinking. You start to sweat more – perspiration helps cool the body. Then, alcohol further dehydrates you because it causes you to urinate and sweat more than usual. One of the critical summer health tips is avoiding heavy drinking and remembering to drink a lot of water between alcoholic beverages.

Skin Protection: If not correctly managed, too much sun can damage health effects. According to the American Cancer Society, skin cancers are the most common of all types of cancer, with an estimated 5.4 million skin cancers diagnosed each year in the United States. Most skin cancers are caused by repeated and unprotected skin exposure to ultraviolet rays from sunlight or sources such as tanning beds.

The best approach for protecting your skin should involve multiple measures. These include seeking shade whenever possible through shelter, wide-brimmed hats or umbrellas, wearing clothes that shield your skin, and using and reapplying sunscreen.

Preventing Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke: Stay hydrated by drinking lots of non-alcoholic, non-caffeinated beverages, even if you’re not thirsty. Water is good, but sports drinks are better if you engage in vigorous activity in high temperatures.

  • Drink enough to keep your urine very pale yellow. You’re dehydrated if it’s a dark yellow or going for long periods without urinating. (Some medications and supplements can turn urine bright yellow or orange. If in doubt, ask a pharmacist or your healthcare provider about the medicines and supplements you use.)
  • Don’t stay outside in high temperatures for long periods. Take breaks indoors.
  • Don’t engage in vigorous activity in the hottest part of the day – from 11 am – 5 pm.
  • Wear loose, lightweight clothing made of fabric that breathes and allows your sweat to evaporate.
  • If you start to feel very hot or have any of the symptoms of heat exhaustion, respond immediately as described above under “heat exhaustion.”