Dr. Ohhira Probiotics Review

By Ross Pelton

Scientific Director, Essential Formulas

Ross Pelton is a pharmacist, nutritionist, author and a health educator who is widely recognized as the world’s leading authority on drug-induced nutrient depletions. He was named one of the top 50 most influential pharmacists in the United States by American Druggist magazine for his work in Natural Medicine.

ARTICLE SOURCE: https://ceglutenfreefoodie.com/2018/09/16/dr-ohhira-probiotics-review/

Jenny, Clean Eating Gluten Free Foodie
September 16, 2018

Disclosure: I received this product for free from Moms Meet to use and post my honest opinion  There was NO monetary payment exchanged for this review.

Over the last decade, people have talked about the benefits of probiotics. Our community is about restricted eating (whether it is due to food allergies, celiacs, or lifestyle changes) and sometimes it is necessary to supplement our diet. You have to think about probiotics as supplements to healthier diet. If you have two doughnuts a day and then popping in your probiotics… don’t be surprised that you do NOT feel better.

When I was given the opportunity by Mom’s Meet to try Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotic I jumped on it. The reason is that it gave me an opportunity to try a probiotic option that is gluten free, dairy free, soy free and nut free. We sometimes use probiotic supplements but our options are limited because of allergies. My family’s regular allergen-safe probiotic options are usually limited to sauerkraut, kimchee and flax milk yogurt.

What is interesting about Dr. Ohhira’s formula is that they are a whole food supplement consisting of natural crops such as fruits, vegetables, mushrooms and seaweed.  Their probiotics are also not cultured or grown in a lab. They use natural crops and strong water that are fermented for three years with 12 distinct probiotic strains. It’s formula contains Prebiotics (fermented vegetables and mushrooms that nourishes probiotics), Probiotics (friendly bacteria) and Postbiotics (organic acids, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino acids)

This ingredient list is from (as of September 2018) Essential Formulas to check for any non-top 8 free allergens. Please remember to always check the ingredient list before buying for any formula change!

Packaging: The capsules were packaged in foil packs so that they were individually in their own foiled covered wells.  This was nice since it was 100 degree Fahrenheit weather during my testing of this product. It worked out nicely, none of the products melted during the shipping process. This is important for those that travel because my kids use another brand’s chewable tablets and they did not do well in the high humidity and temperature of Florida.

Appearance: The size of each capsule wasn’t that big (they were 1/3 smaller that a jelly bean). The outward “shell/capsule” of the probiotic was smooth and wasn’t difficult to swallow.

Taste/Texture:  According to their package there are 2 ways you can eat this. The first is a more traditional method of swallowing and the second is chewing it. When I swallowed it straight, there was no residual taste or coating on my tongue.  (I bring this up because some capsules dissolve so quickly it can leave residuals, this was not the case.)  Yes, I did test it out the second way and chewed it up. After all, what type of product review would this be if I didn’t do it? I chewed up the capsule and it made me think of chewy kelp (seaweed).  The good thing was that after about 20 sec., it all dissolved in my mouth.  The probiotic filling gave an initial mild sweet and bitter taste. The taste did not linger in my mouth, so I didn’t need to gargle my mouth out.  Overall, it wasn’t unpleasant and serves as a good option for people who do not like to swallow pills/capsules.

Thoughts: My personal results for this particular probiotic, I took it regularly for 4 weeks. Every day, I swallowed one in the morning before I ate and chewed one in the evening after dinner.  I can’t say that my skin was extra vibrant or glowing BUT I can tell you that I stop having painful bloating and distended stomach in the evenings.  This product specifically states that it does not contain: milk, eggs, fish, tree nuts, wheat (gluten), peanuts or soy allergens. For those that are GMO conscious, this product is also non-GMO.  If you’re like me and prefer a more natural allergy friendly source of probiotic, this is an option.

Availability:  You can purchase this product online or use the store locator for a local retailer.


By Ross Pelton, RPh, PhD, CCN
Scientific Director, Essential Formulas

Ross Pelton is a pharmacist, nutritionist, author and a health educator who is widely recognized as the world’s leading authority on drug-induced nutrient depletions. He was named one of the top 50 most influential pharmacists in the United States by American Druggist magazine for his work in Natural Medicine.

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