To Be a Healthy Kid, Takes Guts – Prebiotics, Probiotics & Postbiotics

By Ross Pelton

Scientific Director, Essential Formulas

Ross Pelton is a pharmacist, nutritionist, author and a health educator who is widely recognized as the world’s leading authority on drug-induced nutrient depletions. He was named one of the top 50 most influential pharmacists in the United States by American Druggist magazine for his work in Natural Medicine.

Original Post Date: May 31, 2018

Healthy Kids:  Today’s lifestyle keeps the entire family active from youngsters to their hard-working parents. A strong immune system helps us fight off seasonal challenges and maintain healthy energy levels. Like your mother’s advice, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” the best way to deal with the common cold is to avoid it entirely!

It is not just germs that cause kids (and grown-ups!) to get sick. A big factor a weak immune response that, believe it or not, starts in the intestinal tract where 70-80 percent of the body’s immune system cells reside. Probiotics, the beneficial bacteria that live in the gut, help support the function of these crucial immune cells. 

In addition to producing postbiotic metabolites, probiotic bacteria also support the immune system cells by crowding out unfriendly guests like bad bacteria. Probiotics also enhance digestion, which means the body better absorbs the nutrients it needs from food and supplements. That alone equips the body to stay healthy and more efficiently fight off any bad bugs that come along.

An Analogy–Temperature vs Acidity: Temperature is a critical factor that regulates the health of plants, animals and humans. However, the level of acidity is a critical regulator of the microbiome ecosystem. In healthy individuals, the acid/base level in the colon is weakly acidic, ranging from about pH 6.5-6.8. Deviations from this optimal range enable various strains of bad bacteria to proliferate. Numerous weakly acidic postbiotic metabolites such as short-chain fatty acids, nucleic acids, organic acids, amino acids and fulvic acids play a critical role in creating and maintaining the optimal, slightly acidic environment in the colon. 

According to Dr. Fred Pescatore, author of the best-selling book Feed Your Kids Well, stress, the overuse of antibiotics, and other modern environmental and dietary issues are reasons why so many people of all ages have bacterial imbalance and a compromised gut microbiome. As previously mentioned, a healthy gut microbiome consists of approximately at 85% good bacteria vs 15% unfavorable. This ratio can only be achieved by consuming a diet that contains a diverse range of plant-based foods. Unfortunately, most people do not regularly consume a diversity of plant-based foods, which is one of the key reasons why gut-related health are so prevalent.   

“Oral probiotics are not likely to be successful. The friendly bacteria need what is called prebiotic support,” explained Dr. Pescatore who noted that a Japanese product that is available in the U.S. named Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotics®, perfectly fits the bill. Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotics is encapsulated with its culture medium consists of a wide variety of plant-based foods that contain important vitamins, minerals, enzymes, pH balancing organic and amino acids, and especially, dietary fibers and polyphenols, which are the ‘foods’ that probiotic bacteria require. Dr. Pescatore states, “This prebiotic support helps probiotic bacteria thrive and enables them to product the all-important, health-regulating postbiotic metabolites. Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotics is a complete microbiome supplement, containing probiotics, prebiotics, and a multitude of postbiotic metabolites. 

Many people mistakenly think that high-dose oral probiotic supplements will help support their immune system. Balance and diversity are critical aspects of a healthy gut microbiome. However, many commercial probiotics contain 10s or 100s of billions of bacteria per dose. These high-dose probiotics actually work against balance and diversity. Some studies have reported that taking high doses of one or several strains of bacteria can trigger the immune system to activate an immune alarm response; the body can interpret a high dose of a probiotic bacteria as a threat. 

It’s not just exposure to germs that make people sick. Bacterial imbalance in the digestive tract can lead to a compromised immune response, making the body especially vulnerable to bacterial and/or viral infections. Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotics, which directly delivers a multitude of postbiotic metabolites, provides superior support for a healthy gut microbiome. Postbiotic metabolites help improve the microbiome ecosystem, which often helps improve digestion and elimination and improves delivery of nutrients to cells throughout the body. That can have a beneficial effect the immune system, body weight, energy levels and overall health for every member of the family.  

Increased Energy

You and your family are on the move with work obligations, extracurricular activities, self-care and family duties. But the fun comes to a halt when you’re sick or just plain tired. Sick days and energy slumps are not fun. As the saying goes, “the best defense is a good offense.”

Studies have shown that taking Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotics can improve athletic performance. The postbiotic metabolites in Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotics make beneficial improvements in the ecology of the intestinal tract, which results in improvements in cardio function, lung function and reductions in fatigue. Athletes taking Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotics gain increases in strength, stamina and endurance. Supporting your probiotic bacteria with a healthy diet and Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotics helps everyone, from aspiring young athletes, professionals, and the general public to improve the GI health and whole-body health.

Take proactive steps to support your immune health and avoid those nasty colds, flu or just plain poor energy. Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotics® should be at the center of your plan for boosting your family’s health and energy, so you can get on with the fun and succeed on the field and in life.

It Takes Guts®… to stay healthy!


By Ross Pelton, RPh, PhD, CCN
Scientific Director, Essential Formulas

Ross Pelton is a pharmacist, nutritionist, author and a health educator who is widely recognized as the world’s leading authority on drug-induced nutrient depletions. He was named one of the top 50 most influential pharmacists in the United States by American Druggist magazine for his work in Natural Medicine.

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